Fitzwilliam College PowerHouseGames
Event · 3 Nov 2023, 08:30 - 13:00
Cambridge University Sports Centre, Philippa Fawcett Drive, Cambridge, England CB3 0AS, United Kingdom
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Sport & recreationPeople with disabilitiesChildren & youth
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An inclusive sports day bringing university students, school pupils including from a special needs school and company reps together.Detailed description
Our mission is to ensure "No one is left on the Bench!" We host 12 teams of 6 players in a morning of fun and inclusive sport. Games played include boccia, new age kurling, goalball and sitting netball. Rule Number One is to have fun. Each team is tasked with ensuring everyone is fully included in each game.
Your help will be invaluable in setting up and taking down the equipment (with advice!), organising the t-shirts, refreshments, snacks, and lunches; and handing out the medals and certificates. There will be opportunities to coach, referee and encourage play and depending on numbers, join a team. You will be given training, a t-shirt, refreshments and it will be fun!
About Power2Inspire
We run inclusive sports days bringing together people from all backgrounds, abilities and sporting prowess. Come and join in: play, support, referee, organise!