About Warboys & District Day Centre
Warboys & District Day Centre is a small local independent charity which supports older people on the community.
We offer a service to individuals aged 60 and over who would otherwise be socially isolated, lonely, and bored. We provide the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company and friendship of others and to engage in a diverse range of activities that are stimulating and support their individual mental and physical wellbeing.
Our members are largely self-caring, although they may have some degree of sensory impairment and limited mobility. We will accept members with mild, early onset dementia but not severe dementia as this can disrupt the group dynamic.
We are open for approximately 50 weeks of the year and meet twice weekly during the day on a Wednesday and a Friday. We have capacity for 15 members on each day. Each member pays a small sessional fee and for this we provide transport to and from the Centre, light refreshments, a two- course lunch, and a range of activities, entertainments, and occasional trips out.
We work in partnership with our members, their families, and carers to ensure their individual needs are fully assessed and addressed.
If you enjoy engaging with older people and are interested in volunteering with – even for as little as 2 hours per week, then please do not hesitate in contacting us on 07548 949809, during the day. Our volunteers age range is from 16 to 80+ years old, so you’re never too young or too old to use your skills for the enrichment of others.
Warboys & District Day Centre