About St Ives Carnival and Music Festival
On the second weekend in July, we hold the annual St Ives Carnival & Music Festival at Hill Rise Park. The event is organised entirely by a Volunteer Committee and funded through grants, sponsorship, trader fees, donations and sourcing free services/equipment.
The event itself is open to all members of the community in St Ives and the surrounding towns and villages. It attracts thousands of visitors of all ages as there is something for everyone. We start the event with Proms in the Park with a local Silver band on the Friday evening. We open Saturday at 12pm with the fair and market stalls selling crafts, home made baked goods and supporting local charities that attend across both days. We will have performances on stage and in the arena from local groups to showcase their talent. From 5pm-7pm we will have a family friendly film on our impressive big screen and then we move to a headliner for the evening slot. Sunday is all about music with amazing talent from up and coming local bands with something to suit all genre's.
This is a well established event that has been in existence for well over 20 years and is getting bigger and better every year. It has an amazing atmosphere with the locals bringing their own gazebos and camping gear to set up for the day ahead. We are normally blessed with hot weather which makes it even better!St Ives Carnival and Music Festival