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Pinpoint Cambridgeshire
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We are looking to grow our Board of Trustees who work with our staff to improve the lives of families with children and young people with additional needs.

Detailed description

We are looking for enthusiastic trustees to join our team:

  • parent carers with children or young people aged 0-25 with additional needs in Cambridgeshire who have experience of the Special Educational Needs system or post 16 services
  • people with business skills able to help us grow our charitable work such as finance, HR, teaching, training, social media or legal expertise

We have monthly online Board meetings of two hours during term time, and some Board members also serve on other working groups such as the Finance sub-committee. There is some reading for meetings, but it is not unduly onerous. You will need access to a computer and the internet to join meetings, receive email and meet online. We are not able to pay you for your time, but we are friendly and welcoming group, and your time and effort will be much appreciated.

Training and mentoring would be available to support you to take on this trustee role and in the past, gaining skills and confidence as a trustee has enabled several parents to go on, or back to, paid work. You can make a real difference to families and SEND services in Cambridgeshire!

Could you help us please?

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
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About Pinpoint Cambridgeshire

Pinpoint is the Parent Carer Forum for Cambridgeshire. We support parent carers of children and young people aged 0 -25 years with additional needs or disabilities. As a parent carer forum, we enable the Local Authority to fulfil its statutory requirement to listen, engage and work together with parent carers for the benefit of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.


Provides information and signposts parents and carers to the services best suited to help them with their child’s needs.
Engages and empowers parent carers by running free events, workshops and training, including an annual conference, and helps them ask for the services their children need.
Works with statutory services as both a partner and critical friend; they both fund and provide support and services and Pinpoint ensures parents’ voices are heard and that parents help to shape services.