Pinpoint Cambridgeshire
About Pinpoint Cambridgeshire
Pinpoint is the Parent Carer Forum for Cambridgeshire. We support parent carers of children and young people aged 0 -25 years with additional needs or disabilities. As a parent carer forum, we enable the Local Authority to fulfil its statutory requirement to listen, engage and work together with parent carers for the benefit of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.Pinpoint:
Provides information and signposts parents and carers to the services best suited to help them with their child’s needs.
Engages and empowers parent carers by running free events, workshops and training, including an annual conference, and helps them ask for the services their children need.
Works with statutory services as both a partner and critical friend; they both fund and provide support and services and Pinpoint ensures parents’ voices are heard and that parents help to shape services.