Nothing is to much hassle.

We asked the Volunteer Lead at Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to tell us about one of their valued volunteers. This is what they had to say about Julie*
“Julie has been a loyal and dedicated volunteer for several years. She selflessly donates her time and commitment to the older people who use our day centre service on Wednesdays and plays a key role making everyone feel welcome and able to participate in social activities.
She is an invaluable asset to our organisation, providing practical support and friendship to everyone. Julie is always willing to help set up, clear away and assist with activities and does so without being asked to do so. She greets and makes everyone welcome at the centre, usually with a cup of tea! She encourages clients to participate in activities and “have a go”, with a can-do attitude and humour. Additionally, she makes time to speak to everyone and make them feel valued, and she always remembers to ask after their family and events they have told her about previously.
Continuity is very important in the lives of our service users, especially after the experience of Covid, and they appreciate Julie’s steadfastness and the relationships she has built with service users and staff.
Our service users enjoy Julie’s company and good humour, and she knows all our service users well, so her conversations demonstrate genuine friendship and interest in their lives and activities.
Julie is very supportive to both the service users and staff. She is a friend to those she supports and, for some, the only person they see to have a chat with regularly. Having the time to spend with service users is invaluable in promoting good mental health and encourages service users to attend the centre. This has been especially important for those who have lost friends who attended the centre with them and others who have lost their self-confidence to go out of the home following COVID-19.
Julie’s dedication and support for staff provide the time and space for staff to deal with complex needs within the centre whilst ensuring that activities and friendship is continuing for the service users uninterrupted.”
*Please note Julie is not her real name, and the image is a stock image.
If you would like to volunteer with Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Click the button below to scroll through their roles.