Trustee position

Trustee position

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Northstowe, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
Community & familyWellbeingPoverty reduction

Contact person

Graeme HodgsonAsk Graeme a question
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Northstowe Hub
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We wish to diversify our board of trustees, so we have better representation (especially of female residents) who live in Northstowe or Longstanton.

Detailed description

We formed in 2023 following the closure of The Wing (our original temporary community space). Our founding trustees came together to help ensure we had adequate community facilities for the many emerging community groups and activities

Our core aims are

To deliver our charitable purposes by ensuring that the residents of Northstowe and the surrounding area, and in particular those most in need have:

- access to facilities and activities to improve their wellbeing.

- opportunities to be consulted and engaged in the development and delivery of these facilities and activities, so that they meet the needs of the community.

We are looking for a trustee to join us at monthly meetings so decisions can be made about how best to support our community. In addition, there may be some working group meetings to focus on particular events or collaborations with other community groups.

People can put in as much or as little time as they are able and we are particularly keen to attract applications from female volunteers, to balance our board, which currently comprises 4 men and 1 woman. All welcome!

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Northstowe Hub

We're a new charity based in the South Cambridgeshire town of Northstowe with the aim to bring the new community together. We run a Community Cafe staffed by volunteers.