Mill Road Winter Fair Volunteers
Event · 7 Dec 2024, 10:00 - 16:00
Ditchburn Place, Cambridge, CB1 2AJ, United Kingdom
Older peoplePeople with disabilities
Contact person
Olivia James-WattsAsk Olivia a question
Independent Living Service
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Santa for santa's grotto and volunteers to serve refreshments or sell raffle tickets needed.Detailed description
Mill Road Winter Fair is our biggest yearly fundraiser for activities and trips for older adults living in Cambridge. We open Ditchburn Place to the revellers of the fair and offer refreshments and a raffle. For the first time this year we are also opening a Santa's grotto.
Volunteering will be in two hour slots starting at 10am through to 4pm.
We would love volunteers who could serve refreshments or sell tombola or raffle tickets. We also need a Santa impersonator for a two hour slot.