Hinchingbrooke Country Park, Huntingdon

Hinchingbrooke Country Park, Huntingdon

Event · 13 Nov 2023, 12:00 – 30 Apr 2024, 13:00
Brampton Rd, Huntingdon PE29 6DB, UK
Nature & sustainabilityChildren & youthCommunity & family
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Huntingdonshire District Council Countryside Team
Scan me or visit www.volunteercambs.org.uk/o/Huntingdonshire-District-Council/activities/Hinchingbrooke-Country-Park-Huntingdon/72528 to join

Contact person


Hinchingbrooke Country Park needs a steady supply of enthusiastic people person volunteers to assist with events.

Detailed description

Hinchingbrooke Country Park is a terrific open space for people to enjoy. The varied nature of the park means that different seasonal events can be run. The events range from Santa's Grotto, to children's baking sessions and many more besides. These events need a steady supply of volunteers to give the children as much enjoyment as possible.

Getting there

Hinchingbrooke Country Park is close to Hinchingbrooke Hospital Huntingdon.
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About Huntingdonshire District Council Countryside Team

Huntingdon District Council Countryside Team has three main countryside open spaces. Holt Island an island by St Ives that floods. Hinchingbrooke Country Park in Huntingdon and Paxton Pits Nature Reserve in Little Paxton. They all require volunteers to operate. Paxton Pits Nature Reserve is a haven for wildlife and people too. The volunteers in the Paxton Pits Visitor Centre are an essential part of the nature reserve. The walkers, and wildlife watchers always appreciate a welcoming smile in a warm comfortable environment after their time on the reserve. Please come and experience the wonderful environment the reserve is, and consider volunteering your time to support us as the reserve grows. Hinchingbrooke Country Park is a wonderful open space. The events team need volunteers to run the organised events to add value to the park giving the visitors an enjoyable time. The Christmas Grotto giving hundreds of children a truly magical experience. The other sites all use practical volunteers to keep the sites well cared for.