Allotment Hedge Planting from 10am 24th Feb

Allotment Hedge Planting from 10am 24th Feb

Task · 2–4 hrs · by 24 Feb 2024
Moorfield Rd Duxford, Duxford, Cambridge CB22, UK
Nature & sustainability
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Planting of hedging saplings to fill spaces in hedge at the perimeter of the allotment boundary

Detailed description

The hedging plants can be slotted into slits made by a normal spade, there is no need to dig holes and refill. Please bring your own spade and gloves if you can. With 8 volunteers we can do it in 3 hours.

We are currently managing a biodiversity improvement project on the Duxford Allotment site, and since April 2023, we have installed 28 trees and shrubs, 9 bird boxes and 20 metres of “dead hedge” to create various additional habitats for wildlife around the Allotments.


We are now coming to the final phase of this project which is to install a 45 metre section of hedge plants at the boundary fence. We planned this for the end of February, as this is the best time to plant a hedge (and when the nettles are absent!).

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About Friends of Duxford Green Spaces

Our focus is on maintaining and improving all the green spaces within Duxford parish and increasing biodiversity in line with the Duxford biodiversity strategy. The main focus recently has been the creation and further enhancement of the community green space known as Brewery Field and we are now working hard to improve biodiversity on the Allotment Gardens, the Recreation Ground and The Biggen.