

Organisation role · Flexible hours
East Cambridgeshire District, UK
Nature & sustainability
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East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network
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Setting up and managing the accounts of this not-for-profit - Community Interest Company (CIC) including monitoring bank account transactions. Bidding for grant

Detailed description

  1. An interest in the purpose of the Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network and its activities across East Cambridgeshire.
  2. Monitoring all payments and donations/grants
  3. Be a signatory for outgoing bank payments
  4. Presenting Annual accounts

You will need to provide some sort of evidence that you are a creditable person for carrying out this financial important role.

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About East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network

The purpose of East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network is to work to inspire, educate and persuade others to take action in their own lives and their communities to adapt to climate change, help facilitate a fair transition to net zero carbon emissions, increase biodiversity and reduce pollution primarily, but not exclusively, in East Cambridgeshire, England. As Community Interest Company (CIC) it is a non-partisan organisation.